We had a bit of an off-month here, and I took a break from eating well, exercising, and numerous other things during the second half of March -- the absolute least of which was blogging. We had some stresses, and I had some large-ish opportunities spring up for work and I doubled my efforts in that direction. Sometimes it feels better to focus on working than on other things. It keeps the mind busy, and certainly passes time. But, of course, there are sacrifices too. All work and no play makes John a dull, dull boy with no ab definition or lung capacity. Forgive me for being vague on matters work-related and personal -- I know that simultaneous blogging and self-editing is a rarity these days, but here it is. This blog isn't for whining, water-cooler talk, or bragging. SO:
A few whirlwind weeks later...
Today I'm restarting a 3 month training regimen, and it feels good to be back in saddle. H is also starting up a 2 month regimen. We feel relieved when we're exercising again, and making better food choices. It's like doing your homework early and not having to worry about it later. I've discovered the absolute hardest part of working out or running is just starting. The rest is pretty easy, and I always (ALWAYS) feel glad that I did it afterwards. On off days (and I've had plenty lately), the first mile is the worst. After that is a breeze, and I'm better able to handle life's ups and downs when I'm taking care of myself. It takes the edge off of a Monday when it's the start of more than just a workweek.
Back to it.