Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A note on schedules and Greek Chicken Pitas

It's 6:30 pm and I haven't worked out yet. This used to make me feel like the kid who didn't do his homework, but I've recently come up with a pretty great system for getting a workout in, no matter what. It's sort of a tiered system: I have 3 or 4 times set aside during the day when I could exercise (5am, 10am, 1pm, 8pm), and 2 or 3 workouts in mind. First Tier would be the perfect workout at the perfect time...but maybe something came up and I missed my workout time: no problem! I have a back-up time and if I'm too sore or just not "feeling it", a back-up workout. Worst case situation: 20 minutes of Pilates at 8pm (when my son goes to bed), but it HAS to be at 8pm, that's the last chance.  So far this has worked, and I feel better about myself having accomplished something. So, tonight: 8pm, "eccentric lower body". 
tomorrow: 5am, Yoga. 

Dinner tonight was my favorite meal. It's a Greek salad with grilled chicken, all stuffed into a whole wheat Pita. This recipe came from Rachel Ray, and to be honest it has a LOT of calories, but they are mostly quality calories. I think most of the calories come from the feta, so we use about half of the cheese it calls for, and we also switched from "white" pitas to whole wheat. I eat like 4 servings of this, I love it.  Of course Feta cheese is a dairy food, but I feel like a tiny bit in this meal during a mostly dairy-free week can't hurt. 

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